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GreeningofStreaming Invites the broadcast and streaming industry to input ideas to their LESS Accord

At The Connected TV World Summit, Greening of Streaming Founder, Dom Robinson, introduced the organisation, aspirations and objectives, with particular regard to their industry wide invitation to participate in attempts to reach an accord about what constitutes successfully-engineered energy-efficient and sustainable streaming.

The project is called the LESS Accord.

If you work in the industry and have ideas - in the broadest possible sense - about what engineering efforts would bring about real-world energy efficiency to streaming, please join the conversation:

In the weeks before thier June 21st Eu Parliamentary Interface, the members of Greening of Streaming will shortlist the ideas into four groups. We will reach out to the key proponents of those ideas to invite them (virtually or in-person) to present those ideas at the Brussels event.


Eu Parliamentary Event Link


The members, and those interested to participate, will collectively brainstorm real-world test scenarios that they could collectively line up to validate the proposed ideas.

The tests will then be prototyped over Q2 and Q3 2023, and presented at IBC in the autumn. Assuming there is no last-minute feedback at this stage, then during Q4 and Q1 2024 the tests will be undertaken and analysis performed.

Data from these experiments will be made available to the academic community for analysis and interpretation into 'climate impact' science.

The success stories will be presented at an open invite wrap up event in Burbank, CA in spring 2024.

This introduction presentation provides more details and context.

For more information about Greening of Streaming or to ask questions about the LESS Accord please reach out on


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