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Videon furthers its commitment to the environment by joining Greening of Streaming

Today, Videon furthers its commitment to the environment by joining Greening of Streaming with other leading video technology companies that are focused on addressing the growing concerns about the energy impact of the streaming sector.

The adoption of live video in the U.S. is expected to grow 4x by 2023 (CNBC), and today’s video supply chain infrastructure is not built with the Earth in mind. Greening of Streaming and its members are working together to look at the entire video supply chain to ensure the changes they make to their technologies are truly reducing the carbon footprint live streaming produces.

Videon’s vision is to positively impact society by simply moving media, and they’ve extended that vision to ensure the development and design of their products are as green as possible.

Since they design and develop their hardware and software with the compute power enabled by Qualcomm, their market-first hybrid:cloud architecture decreases their impact on the environment and enables cloud workflows to be more intelligent, flexible, and efficient.

Tricia Iboshi, CEO of Videon, says, “Sustainability is a key topic for us. We started out in hardware and have a real understanding of resource management, be that in the physical construction of hardware devices and in the increasing energy requirements to operate at vast scale in the virtual space. We are excited about the creation of Greening of Streaming and look forward to contributing to its initiatives and bringing industry focus on these critical issues."

Adam Curwin, Executive Director of Greening of Streaming, says, “Videon brings a wealth of expertise in the hardware and video software space to the group. While the ICT industry is very focused on virtualization of services, and streaming is no exception, these services still inevitably actually run on hardware. Having the close insight that Videon have brought to the table will be invaluable in developing best practices across the industry. We are absolutely thrilled to have them join the community!”

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