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QUANTEEC joins Greening of Streaming

Greening of Streaming - ( - a not for profit members organisation focussing the streaming industry on developing joined-up engineering strategies to reduce energy waste in the delivery infrastructure - today welcomes QUANTEEC as a new member.

"QUANTEEC is a French startup based in Bordeaux working on innovative video delivery solutions. QUANTEEC proposes a technology for OTT platform providers relying on a decentralized network of peer viewers. Integrated inside the video player, QUANTEEC enables cost savings and energy footprint reductions, while maximizing performance in terms of quality and crash-avoidance."

“Energy efficiency is one of the foundations of QUANTEEC technology. The main goal behind the creation of this technology was to try to change the current video streaming paradigm and increase the elasticity of the delivery systems. The development has been conducted while studying today’s research on video delivery efficiency. A technology like QUANTEEC could help to prevent misusing energy by removing the cache server surplus as they would not be necessary for the industry's exponential growth. The next step for the company is to contribute to more measurement campaigns in order to validate the global impact of the solution and help other organisations to evaluate their power efficiency.”

"Joining Greening of Streaming is a great opportunity to connect with peers in our field and gain knowledge about energy efficiency in every part of the video delivery chain. With the impact of energy waste being more and more recognized by the actors of the industry, it will be a suitable time to measure the global impact of the solutions in concrete case studies" says Daniel Negru, CEO.

Dom Robinson, Founder of Greening of Streaming noted "QUANTEEC is a great example of the tremendous opportunity for organisations to innovate and be thought-leading around energy-efficiency. QUANTEEC's focus and insights, coupled with their commitment to Greening of Streaming is extremely welcome!"

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