On Sept 7th 2022, Dom Wedgwood (DAZN) and Ian McDonough (Blackbird) spoke with Tim Siglin (Help Me Stream) about reducing energy consumption in stream production at the www.greeningofstreaming.org's Sustainability in Streaming and Digital Media Delivery: Greening of Streaming's 2nd Annual Summit.
DAZN is one of the largest online sports event production and distribution companies.
Dom spoke about how DAZN has end to end production and distribution roles in physical locations around the world.
"The biggest impact we are having is moving to not being 'always on'. We are event driven and increasingly moving the mindset away from the traditional broadcast mindset of 'if it is always there then you know its good when we come to use it' - we are shifting away and said 'that safety net is gone, you can't have it, so we have said to our engineers, now how do we build that resilience in?'"
Blackbird is professional video editing in the browser.
Ian commented:
"we are still struggling to get a standardised view of even scope one and scope two emissions, let alone scope three emissions (which can be as much as 80% of a media workflow)."
He also noted that:
"The spin up and spin down model, where you can scale to 500 users and drop to zero is absolutely how we are being architected now"
Follow the whole presentation here:
Greening of Streaming is a not for profit members group representing technology vendors and service operators from across the streaming, broadcasting and telecoms industry.

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