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Zattoo joins Greening of Streaming

Updated: May 14, 2024

Greening of Streaming - ( - a not for profit members organisation focussing the streaming industry on developing joined-up engineering strategies to reduce energy waste in the delivery infrastructure - today welcomes Zattoo as a new member.


Zattoo runs a tv-streaming service, for B2B and B2C customers in Europe.

“We have two sustainable goals that we are trying to reach. The first one is to reduce the company's own carbon footprint and the second is that our product itself (video streaming) uses a lot of energy which we also want to reduce to minimum.”

"Joining Greening of Streaming gives us the exciting opportunity to collaborate with other companies on green topics in the field of video streaming. This is the perfect fit for our ambitions of creating a climate neutral television experience. With GoS we also found the ideal organisation to bring our innovative ideas, like streaming from a windmill, to the rest of the industry to have an even bigger impact." says Stefan Kaiser, Engineering Director, Video Technology, at Zattoo.

Dom Robinson, Founder of Greening of Streaming noted "While I have known of Zattoo for many years in the sector, we both discovered a mutual passion for focussing our industry on sustainability at an event last year. In particular their pioneering work streaming from wind-turbines caught our imagination at Greening of Streaming and we have a significant project underway that was inspired by this work by Zattoo. To have them now join us as members is - almost literally - electrifying that project, and so much more: They are an extremely welcome new member to our community!"

To find out about becoming a member reach out to


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